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Can You Wear Contacts With Dry Eyes?

A young individual applying their contact lens.

Despite the challenges associated with wearing contacts incompatible with dry eyes, individuals can continue to wear soft contact lenses while managing their dry eye symptoms. 

Daily disposable lenses are a great option for individuals experiencing moderate dryness. A fresh new lens is worn every time, eliminating the need for cleaning and storage, and encouraging the wearer to take breaks between wear-time. […]

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Can Allergies Cause Dry Eyes & Blurry Vision

An adult holds a tissue to their face, blowing their nose.

For many people, the onset of allergy season means dealing with uncomfortable symptoms like dry eyes and blurry vision. While these symptoms can be frustrating, understanding the connection between allergies and eye health is key to finding relief. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how allergies can impact your vision, what symptoms to watch for, and when it might be time to seek professional help. […]

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